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Smart cars to mean safer driving

"Cars could soon be ringing the emergency services themselves if they are involved in a crash."

Category: Transport


Friends of the Earth urges end to 'land grab' for biofuels

"Charity predicts more food shortages in Africa because of EU target to produce 10% of all transport fuels from biofuels by 2020"


Scottish scientists develop whisky biofuel

"By-products from distilling process could be used to power cars and even aviation, according to researchers in Edinburgh"


'Poo-powered' car seen on the streets of Bristol

"The Bio-Bug runs on processed methane gas generated as part of the raw sewage treatment process."


Palestinians build solar car from scratch

"Students overcome scant resources to put green prototype on Hebron's diesel and donkey polluted roads"

Displaying results 46 to 50 out of 341